Maple City League

Chatham Granite Club Photo

League Name: Maple City League

Contact Name: DJ Skipper

Contact Telephone: 519-436-9902

Contact Name: Erin Wallace

Contact Email:

Contact Telephone: 519-358-8237

When: Wednesday night

Length: 8 end games

Draws: 5:20 PM and 7:30 PM

This is a fun recreational league that plays every Wednesday evening.  Many of the teams have six or more players who rotate each week according to their schedule.  This means a spare is always available and it works well for busy people and their work commitments.

We have room for 15 teams. Many teams have sponsorships from local businesses to offset league fees.  Food nights and other special social events are standard. It is a great way to meet new friends and enjoy the sport of curling in a friendly and relaxed environment.

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Access our weekly and league curling schedules.

Weekly Schedule Weekly Schedule


Contact the club by phone or email to join us.

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