League Name: Fri Night Pay As You Play Jitney
Contact Name: Ken Campbell
Contact Email: cgcfridaynights@gmail.com
Club Administrator: chathamgraniteclub@gmail.com
Format: Jitneys
When: Friday nights
Length: 6 ends
Draws: 7:00PM and 8:30PM
Highlights: Trivia nights, live music
Friday night curling is a great night for those that want to try curling or just a night out! Teams are formed that night based on registrations. All players need to be present and checked in by 6:50 PM. Final teams will be made by 6:55 PM. Games start promptly at 7:00 PM. Practice rocks and for those who wish or need informal instruction begins at 6:30 PM. To participate, a person can call the club, email or do so in person.
The 8:30 PM draw is a particularly good time for club members to invite a group of friends, relatives, neighbours, co-workers or even some team-mates from summer sports to enjoy an evening of curling. Come out as a group and stay for some refreshments, It is a great way to introduce people to the sport we love and have a social evening all at one location.
Sign up sheets are located in the warm up area. Cost are $15/ person or $25/ couple. Payment is collected after the game. Special events such as trivia night and live music is scheduled throughout the season.